Film and Moving Image News

Today, at Stevenson, Film & Moving Image students participated in the annual LEGO Challenge. We had a lot of fun building a sculpture with a Back to the Future theme.

Today, School of Design Students, Alumni/ae, Faculty and Staff celebrated Stevenson's 2015 Homecoming Weekend. A great time was had by all.

This week, students in FMI Assistant Professor Christopher Ernst's FMI101 - "Cinema I: Storytelling" - and FMI303 - "Lighting" - classes continued their hands-on practice with equipment. It's the Stevenson Way.

As noted last week, students in FMI305 ("Production Design") are working on a 30-second short "Don't Talk Before the Movie" promo film with their professor, Christopher Ernst. The plan is to have the film play before movies a.

On Saturday, October 10, Stevenson FMI students and faculty traveled to Thomas Edison National Park - home of the Black Maria studio, where the first movies were shot in the 1890s - as well as of countless other inventions of.