Business Communication News

Keyword: experiential learning

Looks like Business Communication major Isabella Maxey has been busy at her internship with Edie Brown & Associates, a premier public relations firm in Baltimore.Prior to the closure of large-venue sites, Isa was busy at Balt.

According to Linked In, at left are the top in-demand skills for the workplace. Notice that nearly all of them are directly applicable to the curriculum in the Business Communication and Comm Studies majors.

When Stevenson classes were canceled for March 11-13, the resourceful Villager staff found a way to collaborate from a variety of sites off campus and get new articles published on the online site,

It was an evening filled with interviewing advice, career suggestions, friendship reunions and heightened excitement as over 20 Business Communication alums returned to Stevenson for the sixth annual BizMix event planned by m.

ATTENTION COMMUNICATION STUDENTS!Look at this great opportunity for an on-campus job as a student assistant in the Office of University Advancement.