Applied Mathematics News

Keyword: in the classroom

Applied Mathematics majors, Gerald Roman-Gonzalez (left) and Billy Heidel, gave a STEMinar on the Mathematical Analysis of Languages from the research that they performed this semester with Dr. Ben Wilson.

SoLVE is a resource available to all students taking physics. The goals of this academic support program are to improve students' problem solving strategies, to increase exposure to course material, to increase students' conf.

Each of our new applied math majors participates in First Year Seminar. This course assists first-year students in identifying and using specific strategies for academic, personal, and social success in college.

Dr. Rachel Grotheer, Assistant Professor of Mathematics and Computer Science at Goucher College, spoke to our students and faculty about the mathematics behind medical imaging devices.

In MATH 218: Geometry, students get the chance to learn about Euclidean Geometry the way that generations of mathematicians have - by constructing the rules themselves. Like all areas of mathematics, geometry consists of taki.