Psychology major Cory Jones is the wide receiver for the Stevenson football team. As a student athlete, he is working hard to balance his football practices and schoolwork.

Cory started playing football at the age of 8. The SU football team had a great season this year. The homecoming game was particularly outstanding, and Cory has made two catches and a touchdown.

Cory Jones (’21 Psychology)

Cory always puts in 100% into all he does. He has learned that for both football and schoolwork, self-discipline is essential for achieving excellence.

Why Psychology? For Cory, he is passionate about helping others. He is particularly interested in becoming a sport psychologist in which he can help other athletes to achieve their full potential.

One thing that you may not know about Cory is that he is also an artist. He likes to create art in his free time and use spray paint as well as other art mediums to create large pieces of artwork. Cory hopes that one day he could incorporate elements of art therapy into his clinical work.

At the next football game, be sure to keep an eye out for number 84!

Cory Jones: Number 84!

By: Olivia Webb