On February 13, 2019 a delegation from Stevenson University traveled to Maryland’s capital in Annapolis. There, they met with their local legislators to talk about the state of higher education in Maryland. Also attending were faculty and staff members from Stevenson, as well as President Elliot Hirshman.

Caption: Public History majors Alex Reed and Anthony Plaag pose with Stevenson University President, Dr. Elliot Hirshman, in Annapolis.

Organized by MICUA (Maryland Independent College and University Association, approximately 150 students attending MICUA schools participated in the event. The event took place on a day officially recognized by Governor Hogan as Independent Higher Education Day: February 13, 2019.

Stevenson’s public history majors are often invited along because of their ability speak to project their voices, intelligently address the public, and have fun while doing so.