Ting or Museo Automovilistico y de la Moda:

My trip to the Automobile and Fashion Museum in Malaga Spain.

By Alex Cacicedo

It all started with a joke. A running joke within my immediate family that one sibling would be taken to Spain to visit my aunt over the other. However, my aunt doesn’t pick favorites and invited my three sisters, my father, and me all to stay with her in Fuengirola, Spain over this past summer.

We visited many places and museums, but only one stuck out to me. The Automobile and Fashion Museum in Malaga. The museum features garments and vehicles from almost every decade.

While the cars were very beautiful, I was more interested in the fashion. Especially the exhibition Sublime Magical Collection which contained two hundred pieces throughout seven exhibits. Some of the famous designers featured were Chanel, YSL, Dior, and Balmain.

Traveling through each room gave me an overwhelming sense of excitement, interest, and inspiration. Also on display were costumes made for Lady Gaga and collections of hats and accessories dating back to the 1930’s.

This was my first experience seeing haute couture in person, and it was absolutely amazing. Trips to museums that feature fashion and apparel remind me why I love fashion so much, and why I chose to study fashion design. Hopefully one day the piece I create can be in seen in a museum, too.