Senior Ryder Bott is interning at XMedius Solutions, a software company based in Montreal, Quebec that specializes in secure data delivery and Voice Technologies. Since the company is based in Canada, Ryder works remotely, generating content like blog posts and social media. He liked how the company treated its employees, their innovative products, and their long-term vision, which he feels is “pretty rare these days.” He wants to work as a writer for a software company, so this internship was a good fit. Ryder wants to continue to learn how to translate his creative and academic writing skills to professional writing.

Senior Audrey Diggs is interning at Lexington Books, an imprint of Rowman and Littlefield Publishing Group. She found her internship online when she searched for publishing companies in Maryland. Audrey is an acquisitions/editorial intern where she formats and reviews manuscripts, creates flyers for upcoming books, fills book orders, and completes research on prospective authors. Audrey likes the office’s atmosphere and the fact that the company publishes academic titles. She hopes to work in publishing or editing when she graduates, so her internship is teaching her a lot. Audrey is excited to continue to learn more about “office life” like dressing professionally and attending work events.