Congratulations to a couple of Business Communication majors who were recognized for their exceptional contributions to residence life at the annual RA Banquet, held this year via BlueJeans and slide shows. on Friday, May 8. More than 50 attendees enjoyed the remote get-together, including Business Communication’s twoFaculty in the Halls members, Leeanne Bell McManus and Chip Rouse.

Marriah Boyd was honored as the Residence Life Rookie of the Year for her consistent contributions during her first year as an RA.

Isabella Maxey was honored with the “Best Community Builder” award for her work in the residence halls bringing students together in the spirit of Stevenson University.

Lastly, Marriah Boyd and her co-RA, DJ Lyles, were congratulated for their consistently best residence hall bulletin boards, a source of events and news for their residents.

Congratulations to all the Resident Assistants for their care and energy throughout the year.