News continues to come in from our BizComm alums!

We heard from December 2014 alum Alyssa Yuan that she has accepted a position as Marketing Project Coordinator at Travel Advantage Network, where she interned previously. Established in 1992, Travel Advantage Network is a wholesale vacation accommodations program with exciting resort destinations in the United States, Mexico and the Caribbean. Here Alyssa is shown in her final internship with PR guru Edie Brown.

BizComm grad Alexa Hiken (on the left in the photo) has added a new job to her career stack as a Media Assistant at Media Works, Ltd., an MBE-certified, full-service, 4A’s media communications agency whose primary purpose is to increase the power of media budgets. Here Alexa is shown in her internship at L’Apparenza where she also continues to work as a fashion buyer.

Alum Chelsea Moog (on the left in the photo) has just begun work as an associate producer at Elle Ellinghaus Designs, where she interned as a student. Elle Designs is a wedding and event design studio providing events “outside the cookie cutter mold.” Previously, Chelsea was a specialist in Distinguished Events at the American Cancer Society.