Business Communication alum Grace Clark embarked on a journey that began a few months ago as she left her secure PR job in Baltimore and moved to Philadelphia. She has since found a job as an event planner with Beautiful Blooms Events in Philly. She took some time to examine the stressors that preceded her new position:

“Although I couldn’t be more excited to embark on this new journey, my decision to leave my previous career was not easy. In fact, it was quite scary since I had been invested in it for over two years and wasn’t 100% sure what I wanted for myself in this next role. But the reward of finding a new opportunity that is better aligned with my interests and skills is well worth all of the confusion and discomfort I experienced earlier this year. I’m proud of every step I have taken thus far to get to where I am today. Questioning your choices is not always easy, but if I’ve learned anything over this time, it is that establishing the things that are important to you will only guide you in the right direction. Never settle.”

Excellent words of advice, Grace. Thanks for sharing your story and props to you on your journey forward!