Applied Mathematics News

The Mathematics and Physics Department wished warm congratulations to our six applied math graduates at the May Commencement. Students and faculty gathered right before the ceremony for a departmental graduation picture. Faculty wished students well, in the words of Gabrielle Giffords, House of Representatives, Arizona:

“Be bold, be courageous, be your best.”

Congratulations, best wishes and we’ll miss you!

Applied Math senior, Matt Eyler, completed a capstone project on Math Placement Testing to see the correlation between SAT scores, performance in high school math courses, math placement results and success in college level math courses at SU. He presented his results at the School of the Sciences Spring Poster Session. He is shown here with his Capstone Supervisor, Dr. Kerry Spencer.

Warmest congratulations to Math faculty member, Sarah Blanset, and her husband on the birth of a baby boy on Mother’s Day! Nathan Edmund Cotter Blanset weighed 7 lbs 13 oz. Good timing, Nathan- your mom was able to finish teaching for the semester before your arrival!