School of Education senior, Tori Eyler, was selected to speak to her fellow graduates at the Baccalaureate ceremony held on May 16. Tori based her address on this year’s motto: Be Bold, Be Brave, Be More.

Tori declared that the first act of boldness the graduates took was enrolling at Stevenson University. This marked a bold new stage in their lives with a greater measure of independence and responsibility. She urged the Class of 2016 to continue to be bold in making decisions after graduation, from securing new jobs to relocating to new homes to building new relationships.

In first weeks of her internship, Tori and her mentor teacher asked their second grader students, “What does it mean to be brave?” One of the second graders replied that bravery means to not be scared. She asked if we all apply that to our everyday lives. She quoted YouTube sensation Kid President, who states, “If your dreams don’t scare you, they aren’t big enough.”

In considering the many possible career paths, Tori concluded that the graduates would not continue to be successful by relying only on the knowledge formed during their time at Stevenson University. Everyone must constantly be learning and striving to be more. As Maya Angelou said, “Do the best you can until you know better. Then when you know better, do better.” Be more than just college graduates, she admonished, be more passionate graduates of Stevenson University.

Congratulations to Tori and the Class of 2016. Be Bold, Be Brave, Be More.