The Fine School of the Sciences welcomes Lindsey Jones in her new role as the SoLVE Program Coordinator. She started out in Baltimore County Public Schools as a high school physics teacher where she taught for 11 years, and served for part of that time as director for the Maryland Summer Center for Space Science. Her passion for space was piqued, so she attended the Educators in Space Academy in 2011, which led to her most recent work at Goddard Space Flight Center, with NASA’s digital Learning network. In this role, she “beamed in” to classrooms around the country to talk with students about NASA programs and unique content. She did this in addition to serving the chemistry department as an adjunct instructor, and realized she missed working with students over the long term. This is why is she is excited to work as the SoLVE coordinator, where she will meet science majors as freshman, can follow them through their Stevenson careers, and help them to be academically successful. The School of the Sciences is happy to have Lindsey join our team!